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Rosemary Verbenone Essential Oil (10ml)

Overall, rosemary essential oil is stimulating, invigorating and refreshing. Rosemary Verbenone has a more gentle scent and is less stimulating than Rosemary Tuscan Blue. It is the type used most frequently in skin care products.

Rosemary Verbenone Essential Oil (10ml)

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  • Details

    Botanical Name: Rosmarinus Officinalis

    Origin: South Africa

    • 100% pure 

    • 100% botanical 

    • 100% pesticide-free 

    • 100% traceable

    • Harvested on our partner farms (South Africa)

  • Benefits

    Anticatarrhal, mucolytic • Regenerating, scar healing • Detoxifying • Reduces acne, pimples, psoriasis • Assists in clearing congestions of the nose throat and chest

  • Blends well with

    Lavandin • Rose geranium • Eucalyptus • Tea tree

  • Warning

    External use only. Keep away from children. Oil not to be used in concentrated form directly on skin. Seek medical advice immediately if oil has been in contact with eyes or ingested. Do not use when pregnant, on an infant or by persons suffering from epilepsy or high blood pressure.

  • Disclaimer

    This is a complementary medicine and has not been evaluated and verified by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority for its quality, safety or intended use. Use of this product must not substitute the obtaining of medical advice from a registered health professional for any health conditions you may have. To avoid an adverse reaction, please obtain advice from your medical practitioner if you are pregnant/breastfeeding, have a medical condition, or are taking any medication.

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